PC/Laptop Support
Personal Computers and Laptops are a necessity in todays fast paces world and keeping up with technology is our full time job. We service any make or model when it comes to Desktop PCs and Laptops. We also offer support on a wide variety of hand held devices such as PDAs, Smartphones and iPads.
Data Backup & Loss Prevention
Are you sure everything you need is being backed up? Whether you need just one folder backed up on a daily basis or your entire office needs to be protected, we offer scalable backup services. We design custom backup strategies that will put your mind at ease knowing your data is safe.
Data Recovery
In the event of major data loss we have the training and expertise that can help you keep your downtime to a minimum. Properly retaining a backup and monitoring it making sure that no data or customer information is being lost. Losing a document can be a disaster but with our skills and training lessons retrieving a lost document can be a click away.
Server & Storage Maintenance
Servers are the heartbeat of the office all Workstations revolve around how well they perform. Improperly managed servers or workstations can result in massive data loss and future issues. Making sure your Data Storage is safe and secure and is being regularly looked after while making sure that the data is not being corrupted or lost.
Network Management
A messy network can be someone’s worse nightmare when it comes to hiring new staff or installing a new workstation. Properly maintaining a network can be more than a handful especially when it comes to cable organization. Having your network in proper order can improve speeds, document/printer sharing, and many more benefits.
Mobile Device Synchronization
Tired of turning on a computer for your emails and messages? Not sure how to sync your blackberry or iPhone to your email or your contacts. EC Computers specializes in syncing your information, emails and calendars on your mobile devices, helping with faster and easier ways to handle a business while on the go.
Remote Office Configurations
Do you wish you could access everything at the office at home? We personalize remote office location as well deploy remote VPN networks. Virtual Private Networks allow you to sit in your home office and use the local resources and data of your office. With a click of a button we can have you in your office accessing and sharing documents, pictures, quotes and even printing documents to printers at the office. Also accessing e-mails and customer databases while at home helps to retrieve data safely and securely.
Intrusion Prevention
Keeping your company data, business contacts and employee identification safe secure is moving to forefront of businesses attention. Allowing this information to get into the wrong hands can cripple a business whether it is identity theft or intellectual property loss. EC Computers uses the latest software and hardware to stop unwanted intruders that may want to harm your business or halt productivity.
Virtualization is something not too many small businesses have adopted, but we are here to bring you the knowledge and understanding or how this cutting edge technology can help your business. Virtualization will cut down on your energy consumption minimizing your carbon footprint. Virtualization not only cuts down on money spent on hardware but will make your entire office or workspace easy to backup and easy to maintain.
Asset Management
Have new technology equipment but don’t know how to use it or integrate it into your office environment? EC Computers has a wide variety of knowledge when it comes to new releases on technology. Helping to implement it with the correct procedures and steps. This will help to properly maintain and by making sure you are correctly using your device or peripheral to its full extent.
Remote Network Monitoring
With setting up proper technology and simple programs we can connect to your work area or office and be within the network as if we were standing next to you in the office. Even if you have one question about your network and how it’s being maintained we have the software on hand to properly assess any situation. Proactive monitoring will save you money in the long run
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